Welcome to Zoho Wiki
This is a short Zoho Wiki help page that will assist you in getting started. You can edit this page by clicking on the 'Edit' button above..
- Editor
You can customize the editor for writing your content. Select 'Advanced Editor' mode to get full editing power like a word processor, 'Simple Editor' mode for simple editing with all the basic features, If you are a geek, then you can give charm to your content by writing/changing HTML codes..
Click on "Settings" -> Click "My Editor" -> Choose your favored editor
- Constrained Editor
If you have selected the "Constrained Editor" option, then you can edit a part of the whole content by double-clicking over it..
Click "Settings" -> Click "My Editor" -> Check/Uncheck "I want Constrained Editor"
- Name & Logo
Give a cool name to your wiki site and also add a logo/buddy image..
Click "Settings" -> Click "Site Settings" -> "Change your site title/logo"
- Dashboard
This page will list all the "Recently Modified", "Newly Created" pages and also "Recent Comments" for the site..
Click on the "Dashboard" link on the top-right..
Grab the RSS link of a public page or the one for the whole site to know the latest modified contents.
Look for the RSS symbol
at the page's bottom and in the right panel.